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Изображение - — сервис хранения изображений
Название: Kelly Clarkson Russia - единственный русскоязычный ресурс о Келли Бриэнн Кларксон
Главный администраторКристина
ПомощникиОля и Влада
Дизайн: Hit The Lights Design Studio
Хостинг: Ucoz
Дата открытия: 24 апреля, 2012 года.

About Kelly

Полное имя: Келли Бриэнн Кларксон.
Дата рождения: 24 апреля 1982 года.
Место рождения: Форт-Уэрт, Техас, США.
Вид деятельности: поп-рок/поп/дэнс-поп певица, автор песен.
Никнейм: Келлбелл, Келл, Турбо.
Стала знаменита после: победы в первом сезоне шоу American Idol, является его самой успешной выпускницей.
Достижения: 4 премии AMA, 2 премии Грэмми и около 100 других различных наград.
Продано около 25 миллионов копий альбомов и около 40 миллионов копий синглов.
Фанаты: Келлебритис (ед. ч. - Kellebrity).

KC's links


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Главная » Файлы » Тексты песен альбома Stronger

Standing In Front Of You
13.04.2012, 22:05
You say it's easier
Alone and undisturbed
You said yes and danced before
And got your feelings hurt
You say most days yours good
It's not so bad this room
What chance the rain today
Even though it's clear and sunny
And you fight it so hard
How to tell if it's real or not

Take a breath and listen (listen)
Open up stop pushin' (pushin')
All that you've been missin' (missin')
Standing in front of you
Everything you're fearin' (fearin')
All the walls you're buildin' (buildin')
Take a chance you're reason (reason)
Standing in front of you
(Standing in front of you)
Standing in front of you
(Standing in front of you)

You start to sway again
Feelin' good in your skin
You start to remember when
You didn't have to try
And then the glitter turns to dust
The color fades enough to make out pictures of a fire
That burns like love
You can close your eyes don't worry
I'll still be here in the morning

Take a breath and listen (listen)
Open up stop pushin' (pushin')
All that you've been missin' (missin')
Standing in front of you
Everything you're fearin' (fearin')
All the walls you're buildin' (buildin')
Take a chance you're reason (reason)
Standing in front of you
(Standing in front of you)
Standing in front of you
(Standing in front of you)

And they won't break us
And they can't get through
Cause I'm gunna be here
Standing in front of you

Take a breath and listen (listen)
Open up stop pushin' (pushin')
All that you've been missin' (missin')
Standing in front of you
Everything you're fearin' (fearin')
All the walls you're buildin' (buildin')
Take a chance you're reason (reason)
Standing in front of you
Категория: Тексты песен альбома Stronger | Добавил: Miss_Independent
Просмотров: 337 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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